
Saturday, March 24, 2018

collage 67-75

It's Day 83 of 2018, so technically I'm a week behind schedule. I feel pretty good about it though, because yesterday I was two weeks behind.

There has been enough sun and rain lately to cause most outdoor plants to turn green and everything's hurtling forward like the "Summer" movement of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons". I can't pull weeds fast enough to keep up with the new ones popping up every day. I've been having a good time listening to cardinals, grackles, woodpeckers, and my favorite mockingbird singing while I work.

Today's posting is three different batches of work.  They look decidedly different to me, but I don't know that anyone else would notice.

The first two were made while I was still on schedule and was just beginning to spend more time outdoors. 

I had the worst time with these three. They were a real struggle, but I began to get more comfortable by #4. I think it may have been because I finally heeded my own advice and stopped putting so much pressure on myself to catch up. I was just desperately throwing stuff together and wasn't all that happy about the work.

Finally I started having a bit of fun with some crayons and lots of small paper scraps and ended the evening on a positive note.

I was in the same groove this morning and fueled it with some good coffee and great music from Radio KCSN.

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