
Thursday, January 25, 2018

week 4

It's been a good week for art although some days it's a struggle to come up with an idea I like. My black Pitt pens arrived and so did my Dr Ph Martin's Bombay Ink, so I have new toys to play with.

#20 Savoir Faire
Acrylic paint & collage on cardboard that didn't take kindly to water.

#21 Lithium City
Blue Aladine ink on a shipping label with acrylic & collage. The ink washed nicely with some interesting patterns along the wrinkled paper.

#22 Red & Blue Geometry
#23 Attending the Phone
#24 ink test
Bombay inks: Bright Red, Golden Yellow and Grass Green. I will be getting more of these inks!

#25 mauled
Imitating John Evans and learning to draw again.

#26 magic coffee
Aladine blue ink over Hansa Yellow acrylic paint and found art. I was surprised the ink turned to green when it was diluted. Did it mix with the acrylic somehow or is it really still blue and creating an optical illusion?


  1. You've had a very colorful week, I like all these spring colors.

  2. I understand your struggle to come up with ideas, and I love your work - especially "Attending the Phone" which gave me a nice chuckle this afternoon.


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