
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pop Cards & Art Quotes

It looks like "I Love Lucy" is making another appearance on my postcards. I like using images of people from the 1940s or 50s and it's fun for me when they happen to be recognizable icons.

Coincidental to creating this card I found a quote by the British writer, Lawrence Alloway, referring to what was then a new phenomenom, "Pop Art". Alloway said, “When an artist uses a pop art image its significance is doubled: its original meaning is there, but the artist has also added new meanings….” And so a soup can by Warhol becomes something entirely different. You may not see what I see in my composite, but I hope it gives your eyes at least a little something to chew on.

Serious Side Effects
Love and Danger
In the 1860s a French critic castigated Edouard Manet's impressionistic creations for their lack of "intelligible characters." It was the critic's opinion there should be “Nothing arbitrary, and nothing superfluous, that is the law of every artistic composition.” Most of my own compositions are fairly arbitrary and probably superfluous as well, so I guess I'm in good company.

Both these quotes came from "The Pop Revolution," by Alice Goldfarb Marquis, a slim but well written volume describing many of the upheavals that occurred in the art world of the late 1950s and early 60s. I was already familiar with most of the major players, and I liked Marquis' perspective on their roles in the drama.

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